Mother & Daughter Pregnant At The Same Time Via IVF Give Birth To Biological Sisters Few Weeks Apart

For many people, getting married and starting a family is part of their life’s journey. They hope to settle down and grow a beautiful family together. For one couple in Minnesota, it felt like that dream was never going to come true.

Kelsi Pierce and her husband Kyle wanted to have at least one child during their lives, but it felt like nothing was working. They spent three years doing everything they could to try to get pregnant, including in vitro fertilization. However, all of their efforts fell short, and it felt like they were never going to have the family they had hoped for.

There are many options available for couples who have a hard time getting pregnant, such as IVF, surrogacy and adoption. Pierce and her husband decided that they needed to try something different and opted for surrogacy. The couple chose Pierce’s mom, Lisa Rutherford, to be the one who would carry their baby.

Rutherford was 56 years old at the time and happily agreed to be her 31-year-old daughter’s surrogate. She got pregnant and everything seemed to be going extremely well. Just about one month later, Pierce received the most shocking news of her life: she was also pregnant.

Pierce and Rutherford went through their pregnancies together, both carrying Pierce’s biological children. The baby girls were born just a few weeks apart from each other in October and November 2020, giving Pierce and Kyle the happy family they had always dreamed of. Read on to find out more about this beautiful story.

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According to Good Morning America, Pierce and Kyle suffered through three years of infertility before Pierce was given some sad news from her doctor.

“He told me that nothing was working and my body just wasn’t able to (carry a pregnancy),” Pierce said. “It was a very emotional conversation, of course, but I understood that we’d tried everything possible.”

The couple realized they could try one more thing and asked Pierce’s mother to be their surrogate.

“When you have kids you want their life to be better, easier, more fulfilling than your life,” Rutherford said. “I just thought I don’t have $100,000 to hand you, but this is what I can do to make your dream come true. It wasn’t even a question.”

Rutherford was determined to help her daughter become a mother, and after she was cleared by her doctor, she underwent an embryo transfer in February 2020. Just one week later, she found out she was pregnant, according to Good Morning America.

“I woke up and there was a text on my phone and it was a picture of a positive pregnancy test and I just lost it,” Pierce told Good Morning America. “It was hard for us to let her (be the gestational carrier) because of the risks with her age, but she really convinced us that she wanted to do this for us.”

Pierce was excited, but the surprises didn’t stop there. Just one month later, she found out that she was actually pregnant.

“I used to take pregnancy tests every month and it was just one of those things where, by habit, I took a pregnancy test,” she said.

“I glanced down at the test and I was going to throw it away like normal, and that was the first time I saw two lines,” she added. Pierce and Rutherford were pregnant at the same time, each carrying one of Pierce’s biological daughters.

Finally, Pierce and her husband were able to call themselves parents and welcomed two beautiful baby girls into the world.

“After hearing bad news for three years straight and never walking out of a doctor’s appointment happy, I couldn’t believe it,” Pierce said. “I think I was crying for a month straight.”

Rutherford was the gestational carrier for the family, and she carried baby Everly to term, delivering her on Oct. 1, 2020, in Michigan. Pierce welcomed the family’s second daughter, Ava, on Nov. 23, 2020, in Minnesota.

Both pregnancies went well. Rutherford even told Good Morning America that she felt even better than she did when she gave birth to her two children — despite her age.

“With my pregnancies for my children, I was young but didn’t eat well or exercise and I was sick a lot,” the mother of two said. “This pregnancy, since we had been researching and planning it, I did my best to make sure I was eating well and in the best shape possible and this pregnancy was awesome. It went off really well.”

And while Pierce had trouble having even one child, she now has two beautiful kids.

“It’s just so surreal,” Pierce said. “I keep pinching myself, like I can’t believe this is my life.” She added, “I appreciate it so much more because of how long it took and how much struggle it took.”