Chris Noth finally addresses shocking sexual assault claims

Chris Noth has finally spoken out about the shocking claims of sexual assault that were brought against him almost two years ago… And he’s maintaining that he’s done nothing wrong.

The actor – who is best known for his role as Mr. Big in rom-com TV series ‘Sex and the City’ – was first accused in December 2021 of sexually assaulting two women, with three more coming forward with similar allegations not long after.

Noth, 68, has not taken part in any interviews or discussed the matter until recently, when he spoke with USA Today about the disturbing claims.

“I strayed on my wife, and it’s devastating to her and not a very pretty picture. What it isn’t is a crime,” he admitted, saying that the only thing he’s guilty of is cheating on his wife Tara Wilson.

He added that the other allegations – which he described as “add-ons” to the women’s stories – are “completely ridiculous” with “absolutely no basis in fact.”

Noth explained that he stood by his initial statement when the claims first went public – during which he denied the allegations. In that statement, he said that the sexual encounters were consensual but it was his adultery that was wrong.

“You give yourself the same excuses that many men do; it’s just a little side dance, and it’s fun,” Noth said. “You’re not hurting anybody. No one’s going to know about this, you know, and sex is just enjoyable. And suddenly, a lot of people want to have sex with you. It’s like, ‘Well, I’m not going to get this chance again,’” he said.

When the accusations against Noth first came to light in 2021 (around the same time HBO’s revival of ‘Sex and the City’ premiered), the show’s stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis, and Cynthia Nixon released a joint statement in support of the women on social media.

“We are deeply saddened to hear the allegations against Chris Noth,” the statement began. “We support the women who have come forward and shared their painful experiences. We know it must be a very difficult thing to do and we commend them for it.”

Noth has maintained his innocence despite the public fallout from the accusations – which saw several brands and TV series drop him or cancel contracts.

“I’m not going to lay down and just say it’s over,” he said. “It’s a salacious story, but it’s just not a true one. And I can’t just say ‘Well, OK, that’s it for me’ because of that. I’m an actor. I have other things that I want to do creatively. And I have children to support. I can’t just rest on my laurels.”

He continued: “So yeah, I have enough to let a year drift, but I don’t know how to gauge or judge getting back into the club, the business, because corporations are frightened. People are afraid of all this. Fear is the overriding operative word when it comes to whether they believe it or not.

“I have to just continue on. It’s rough, because people are scared, and their fear leads them. And I have to just persevere because I still have a creative life.”

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