Doctors told mom her son wouldn’t live past 11 – now he’s celebrated his 63rd birthday

My parents worked tirelessly to remind me that every stranger you meet is deserved of your respect until they prove otherwise. To me, the idea of judging someone based on the way they look, or the differences between us, is cruel and, frankly put, no proper way to behave.

Sadly, some people just can’t seem to help themselves. They see others different from them and decide to ridicule and belittle. Others are ready to doubt the capabilities of people living with conditions or illnesses, instead of choosing to give them a chance.

One man, Joey Wittkugle, was counted out right from the get-go, but his story serves as the perfect reminder that not all books should be judged by their covers

Bobbi Wittkugle, of Struthers, Ohio, can easily recall the day she welcomed her son, Joey, into the world. On that day, she was presented with a life-changing decision to make, and make it she did.

For context, Joey was born with Down Syndrome, and doctors were less than optimistic as to his chances in life.

According to reports, Bobbi said that a physician approached her shortly after Joey’s birth and told her that her baby would never talk, never walk, and might not even recognize her.