Boy Helps Old Man with Shaking Hands Pick up Groceries from Floor, Man Gives Him Tiny Parcel — Story of the Day

An older man keeps dropping his groceries on the floor due to his trembling hands, but no one steps in to help him except a 12-year-old boy. Moved by the young boy’s charity, the man gives him a tiny parcel dear to his heart.

12-year-old Jason Kent was searching the chocolate aisle at Molly’s Supermarket in Ohio for a large box of Ferrero Rocher when he came to a halt. He stopped and paused by the aisle, his attention fixed on an older man in the grocery store’s vegetable section.

Jason’s mom, Stella, was busy purchasing their month’s supplies and had alllowed Jason to get his favorite chocolates as he had been a good boy to her. But the instant Jason’s attention rested on the older man, he entirely forgot about his chocolates.

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Jason noticed the older man was hunched and leaning on a cane, and everything he picked up dropped on the floor. The man would bend further down and try to pick it up, only for it to fall again.

It wasn’t long before Jason’s attention was drawn to the man’s weak and trembling hands, and he realized he needed help. The young boy quickly dashed over to the man and began picking up his vegetables.

“Here, sir,” he said as he scooped up the potatoes scattered on the floor around the man. “You can tell me what vegetables you want, and I’ll pick them up for you.”

The man nodded, and his eyes welled up. “Thank you very much, young man. So many people passed by me, but nobody bothered to help. What’s your name?”

“I’m Jason,” he replied, smiling. “You don’t need to thank me. My dad always used to tell me that we must protect and serve those in need! You see, he was a brave police officer!”

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“Was?” the man inquired, curious.

“My dad died while serving our country, so it’s just mom and me now. I sometimes wish he wasn’t a cop because I miss him, but mom told me that everyone considers dad a hero! I want to be like him when I grow up because he helped the good people and punished the rotten heads!” he exclaimed excitedly, then laughed. “Should we grab your vegetables now?”

“Oh, I see, I see,” the older man replied, nodding his head, and thanking Jason as he assisted him in getting the vegetables. While they were at it, the man introduced himself and began telling Jason his story to keep him entertained.

“If you’re reading this, our wish has been granted. I hope it can help you in the future.”
“My name is Alfred,” he said. “I once had a little boy just like you. My wife and I loved him so much….” But Alfred didn’t get to finish as Stella spotted Jason and asked him to hurry because they had to leave.

“Jason, darling!” she shouted from afar. “Let’s go! We’re late!”

But Jason wasn’t done helping Alfred. “Just a minute, Alfred, I’ll be right back.”

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“Mom,” he said as he dashed over to Stella. “If you want to leave, you can go. I need to help Alfred. His hands keep trembling, and he can’t hold anything. Dad would be disappointed if I didn’t help him….”

Stella looked over Jason’s shoulder and noticed the older man bending slightly and smiling at them, his decaying teeth visible. She felt bad for him and told Jason they would swiftly assist him before heading home. They both approached Alfred and helped him with his groceries.

When they were done with the billing and were about to leave, Stella proposed to drop Alfred at his home, but the older man said he would manage.

“I really appreciate your help. Jason is very kind, and I can’t thank you both enough. I – I am sorry for bothering you… I have Parkinson’s disease, which is why I can barely hold anything.

“It has troubled me for several years, and I’ve been in plenty of situations where I needed help, but nobody helped me. Today, what Jason did really touched my heart…” Stella noticed the older man’s eyes were welling up.

“Are you okay, Alfred?” she asked, worried. “If you want to share something, it’s okay. You can tell us. Would you like to sit and talk? There’s a park nearby….” she suggested.

Alfred nodded, and they went to the park. Stella knew she was late for dinner preparations, but something about the man told him she needed to hear his story.

“Several years ago,” Alfred began as they sat on a bench. “I lost my son in a tragic car crash. He was our only child. My wife couldn’t bear losing him, and she died soon after him. Since then, I’ve been living alone, and I don’t have anyone around me that I could call a family.

“Today, when Jason helped me, he reminded me of my son. He was just like Jason when he was a kid, and so, I have something I’d like to give Jason.”

Alfred took out a tiny parcel and gave it to Jason. “Consider this a small reward for your kindness, Jason. This is very close to my heart, and I always wanted to give it to someone who would appreciate it….”

Stella told him they didn’t need anything in return for helping him as they helped him out of concern, but the older man insisted, and they had to give in.

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When Stella and Jason reached home, the young boy quickly unwrapped the parcel and found a key and a note inside.

“Why would Alfred give me a key?” While Jason was busy turning the key in his palms and examining it, Stella picked up the note to read it. And when she was done, her tears didn’t stop.

“This key belongs to my safety deposit box,” it began. “I had saved a modest sum for my son’s education, but I never got to put it to use. My wife and I had decided to give the money to someone who deserved it, and if you’re reading this, our wish has been granted. I hope it can help you in the future. Alfred and Linda.”

“Oh, Alfred, you didn’t have to. This was unnecessary…” Stella shed a tearful sigh.

Years later, a grown-up Jason entered the police force and decided to track down Alfred and thank him. But after months of trying, Jason learned Alfred had passed away.

Jason felt terrible when he got the news and wished he had tried to find Alfred sooner. But there wasn’t much he could do now. He visited Alfred’s grave carrying a bouquet of flowers and whispered a small thank you to him in his prayer.

“Thank you for helping me, Alfred,” he said. “When mom and I needed money for my education, the funds you gave me came in handy. Thank you for that, and rest in peace….”

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What can we learn from this story?

Your kind deeds are always rewarded. Moved by Jason’s kindness, Alfred left him something that was very close to his heart. Years later, Jason couldn’t be more grateful to Alfred for it.
Always help someone in need. When Jason saw Alfred struggling to pick up vegetables, he quickly rushed to the older man’s aid. Let us be like Jason and Alfred and try to help out someone in need.