Dad Forced to Live in Car with 2 Kids after Divorce, Gets Money He Never Expected to Buy New Mobile Home

Two days after a homeless dad-of-two shared that he was living in his car with his kids because of unfavorable circumstances, he received unimaginable support from people he had never met. He couldn’t help but cry after witnessing the power of social media.

Washington resident Lucius Allure was living a good life until a few problems in his personal life forced him to take a big step. As a result, he became homeless, ran out of his savings, and had no option except to live in the car with his children.

The man was ready to endure every hardship, but seeing his children in pain broke his heart. For the sake of his kids, he posted a plea on TikTok, unaware that the response to his video would leave him in tears.

When things went downhill in Allure’s life, he had to leave his house and move into a car with his two children. His father had bought the vehicle for him, but he had never imagined living in it with his kids. He felt helpless before fate’s plans.

The single parent used TikTok as a means to document his struggles. He posted videos of his car, showing how his children lived with him in a crowded space and explaining their struggles with money and food. He said:

“Some days living in the car is really easy, and other days it’s really hard.”

@luciusallure I know this will find who it's meant to. Grateful for each & every one of you who support me & in turn, my family. We do need your #help in this time… If anyone reading this is an Agent or Manager for recording artist / artists of all kinds, im ready to talk… My vision is to big to be done alone… #livinginthecar #singleparent #weneedhelp #agent #manager #togetherwerise ♬ Morning Moon – brd

He explained that it took him weeks or sometimes a month before taking his next shower. Moreover, his children were too young to understand why they lived in a car and what stopped them from dining out like they used to. The drastic change in their lifestyle left the little kids with unanswered questions.

In another video, Allure opened up about his personal life problems.

The children had always asked their father for whatever they wanted and always saw Allure bringing them those things. However, they couldn’t comprehend why their father wasn’t buying them their favorite meal. They didn’t know that Allure had no money left in his pockets.

They Were Hungry and Had No Money
“I want to take them to the food places that they want to go to to eat because it sounds so good, but I have to tell them no [sic],” the helpless father said in a TikTok video. He added:

“When they ask, ‘Why?’ I don’t want to reply, ‘We don’t have any money. We can’t.'”

Allure told the world that he and his kids were hungry. He said his son asked him for french fries while his daughter cried because they had nothing to eat. He revealed that he was only left with a few spoons of peanut butter, a little honey, and nothing to buy food. People were heartbroken after watching the helpless father describe their terrible living conditions.

He Shared How He Lost His Money
In another video, Allure opened up about his personal life problems. He was left with no money because he had spent all his savings hiring lawyers after divorcing his wife. Moreover, his boss fired him after learning he was in debt.

After losing all his money and getting fired, Allure lost his house and had no option but to move into his car. Being homeless, he learned a heartbreaking truth about people. He noticed people staring at him whenever he sat while his kids played in a park. Allure felt people considered him a “predator” and a “horrible person” because he was homeless. He saw their expressions change when they watched his children run up to him.

Feeling terrible for his kids, he pleaded with his viewers to help him raise $6,000 to buy a van. He believed living in an RV would give his children more space. It would even allow them to cook food in its kitchen.

After sharing how he and his kids struggled to live inside a car, he shared a link to his GoFundMe page where people could donate money. Allure only aimed to raise $6,000, but strangers on the internet exceeded his expectations. Two days later, the family of three had $17,000 at their disposal. Allure had never imagined receiving so much money and was surprised after witnessing the power of social media.

On April 12, 2023, Allure uploaded a video thanking everyone for donating money. He told everyone he was sitting in a hotel room that he had paid for through donations. The loving father broke into tears while thanking the donors. He said:

“I don’t even know the words right now except thank you.”

@luciusallure We did it!!! All because of YOU!!! We are so incredibly grateful for every single person who donated, shared our story, and supported us on this journey. Thanks to you, we've not only met but exceeded our GoFundMe goal, and we're one step closer to getting a new home on wheels. We can't even begin to express how much this means to us – each and every one of you has literally just changed our lives for the better. We couldn't have done it without your help and kindness, and we're so excited to start this new chapter of our lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 🙏💕 #grateful #gofundme #familyinneed #homeonwheels #communitysupport #kindness #donate #hope @luciusallure ♬ Morning Moon – brd

Allure calls himself a “super-loving dad” and is determined to provide his children with a better lifestyle. We hope the money he received would help him fulfill his children’s needs and give them a safe space to live in.