Nine-Year-Old Receives Thousands Of Responses To His Plea For Adoption

Having a secure and loving place to call home is something all children wish for. Nine-year-old Jordan from Oklahoma did not have the best start in life.

After living in foster care for the last six years, he was interviewed about his TV aspirations in August 2020. He did not expect that thousands of adoption inquiries would come flooding in after the video went live.

That same month, after receiving over 5,000 inquiries from potential families, the DHS said they found a home suitable for Jordan and had started the process of completing the adoption.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂

When Jordan was asked if he had three wishes, what would he choose, there was only one thing he would wish for: a family. If he could go anywhere in the world, he told the reporter he would go to his “adoption party.” From his answers, it was clear the little boy was yearning to find a forever home.

According to the Mirror, Christopher Marlowe, who is tasked with reviewing the profiles of potential parents, said that Jordan has “been through a whole lot compared to most of our kid.” Still, he was “really excited about this and very hopeful this is going to be the breakthrough needed to find this kid a home.”

After the interview went viral more than 5,000 people contacted the center to ask about adopting him, reports the Mirror. The number of inquiries was unprecedented–so much so that DHS official Casey White confirmed the department had to introduce an overtime schedule to manage the influx of calls.

Jordan, who wants to be a police officer when he’s older, told KFOR he is hoping for a “mom and dad. Or just a mom. Or just a dad – I don’t really care.” He stated what he wants most is just “some people to talk to anytime I need to. I hope one of y’all pick me.”

Jordan and his brother Braison came into the care of Oklahoma’s Department of Human Services in 2014, but his little brother has already been adopted. Jordan would like to stay in Oklahoma so that he can be close to him, reports the Mirror.

Later that same month, in an update by Oklahoma 4 News, the DHS confirmed they had found a suitable family for Jordan, and were currently in the process of completing the adoption process. Although there haven’t been any updates since, adoptions can be lengthy processes and it could be several months before he officially becomes part of the new family.

No matter how long it takes, we’re glad there is hope for Jordan!

We hope that Jordan finds the right forever home and that his wish finally comes true.