Uninvited woman barges into couple’s home holding baby, blasts them for fornicating

Our homes serve as sanctuaries where we can truly unwind and be ourselves, away from the pressures of the outside world.

They become our haven where we can shed the stress of a long day, relax, and freely indulge in activities without fear of judgment — unless, of course, an unexpected twist occurs, not dissimilar to the dramatic gasps one might encounter in a cheesy soap opera.

Well, that’s exactly what this couple encountered when their love-making session was interrupted by an uninvited guest! Keep reading to find out what happened…

Problematic family ties
Taking to Reddit‘s ‘Am I The A*****e‘, a 28-year-old man (who goes by the username Throwra6390) explained the sticky situation he found himself in when his sister-in-law barged into his home unannounced – asking fellow Redditors whether he and his fiancée were in the wrong.

Throwra6390 explained that he had been living with his 26-year-old fiancée for over two years. He has a younger 27-year-old brother, Ryan, who is engaged to a woman named Erica. Ryan and Erica met in high school and had their first child aged 17.

Despite having an exhaustingly on-and-off type of relationship, Throwra6390 said that Ryan and Erica have welcomed two more children into this world.

“Erica is also the problem,” Throwra6390 wrote. “I know I sound biased because Ryan is my brother but everyone in the family agrees. She’s not a likable woman, she’s argumentative, rude, and entitled. She constantly starts arguments with Ryan or her own children at holidays and seems to think that she deserves everything Ryan has ever done or accomplished because they have three kids. Erica also took an especially rude attitude towards my fiancée for whatever reason.”

While Throwra6390 and his fiancée dislike Erica, he explained that they’ll often happily babysit their nieces and nephews whenever needed. “Erica is cordial enough to my fiancée when she’s asking for babysitting but other than that they don’t talk, and I think they both prefer it that way,” he added.

A sticky situation
Amidst all of this family tension was one recent incident that sparked an intense feud between Erica and Throwra6390 and his fiancée.

It all occurred when Throwra6390 took his fiancée to their favorite restaurant after work, before heading to a nearby bar for some drinks. They eventually found their way home at about 11:30pm.

“We were both a little drunk, in our own home, with a locked door, and decided that the bedroom was just too far of a walk, and we started to undress on the couch,” Throwra6390 wrote, adding that, by this point, his fiancée was a little more exposed than he was.

Just as thing were getting steamier (with Throwra6390’s fiancée on his lap), they heard keys jingling at the front door. “Like scorned teenagers, we jump up, my fiancée sprints around the corner to the hallway, leaving her clothes everywhere on the floor,” he explained.

Fortunately for him, he still had his jeans on, but was desperately trying to conceal his private area because, naturally, he had been a little excited just minutes beforehand. In through the door walks Erica who was carrying 11-month-old baby in her arms.

“I can hear my fiancée around the corner half laughing half sobbing of embarrassment,” he wrote, saying that he asked Erica how on Earth she managed to let herself into his house.

Her response was to simply look at the clothes strewn about on the floor before walking out and slamming the door shut.

“After that, we got a spew of angry text messages. Erica told us that we were ‘indecent people’ with ‘no class’ or ‘integrity’ that my fiancée should respect herself more by not being so open about her sex life, and that she will not be returning to our house with her children as it’s ‘obviously not a safe place,’” Throwra6390 wrote.

As it turned out, Erica had been in an argument with Ryan. She had taken his key to Throwra6390’s house and taken her youngest child with her, hoping to get Throwra6390 and his fiancée to look after the baby while she went back home and tried to “figure everything out” with Ryan.

After seeing Throwra6390 and his fiancée being intimate, she apparently vowed to never let them watch her kids again, something that – even though they both dislike Erica – Throwra6390’s fiancée is particularly devastated about as she loves the children.

“When I saw how upset this made her (even though I think it’s empty threats) I texted my brother,” Throwra6390 wrote. “The texts I received from Ryan seem like they were written by Erica, but honestly I can’t be sure. It seems they both are now holding a grudge on what wouldn’t be an issue if Erica would just stop being entitled. Ryan said that if we apologize to Erica for what happened then likely she will forgive us.”

What did the internet think?
The people in the comments section overwhelmingly sided with Throwra6390 and his fiancée. As one person put it: “Erica will come back around once that baby sitting bill starts to take a real chunk out of the budget. These sort of people always come back and demand you do favors for them while attempting to sidestep the apology. Change the locks. Wait her out for the apology then be too busy to babysit.”

Someone else added: “If she wanted babysitting or not, you text first or at least knock. You don’t just let yourself in with a key no one knows you have. If anyone needs to apologize it’s her not you guys. Believe me she will when she realizes no one else will be watching her three kids.”

What do you think about this situation? Let us know in the comments!